With changes in the lifestyle, unhealthy and polluted stressful environment, we all are at an all-time high health risk. Worldwide health professionals agree that changes in Body composition is a serious health risk and a prominent indicator of Health risk in future. Problems such as hypertension, elevated blood lipids (fats and cholesterol), diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, respiratory dysfunction, gall bladder disease, Malnutrition and muscle wasting are related to Body Composition imbalancing.

What is Body Composition?
The body is composed of water, protein (muscles), minerals, carbohydrates and fat. These can be broadly divided into two sections... Fat Mass and Fat Free Mass. Body fat, water content are the most variable constituent of the body. Fat mass include Fat in the marrow of bones, including the heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys, intestines, muscles, and lipid-rich tissues throughout the central nervous system which is called essential fat and fat that accumulates in adipose tissue is called storage fat (Visceral Fat). On the other hand Fat Free Mass represents the weight of your muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, and internal organs. Apart from that, the most basic unit of human body is Human Cell which is also called building blocks of life. Quality of cell also plays a vital role in overall health as healthy cells are the basis of healthy body. Any variation in body composition may lead to serious health problems. Variation can be on higher sides like increase in Fat content of body leading to Cardiac problems, Diabetes etc. or increase in extracellular water is an indicator of edema which can be due to cardiac or kidney related problems while on other hand reduced muscles or excessive thinness (Size Zero) can be a condition related to severe malnutrition.
Why is Body Composition Important to My Health?
Research has shown that body composition is directly related to health. A normal balance of body fat is associated with good health and longevity. Excess fat in relation to lean body mass, known as altered body composition, can greatly increase your risks to cardiovascular disease, diabetes etc.. Body Composition Analysis fosters early detection of an improper balance in your body composition, which allows for earlier intervention and prevention. BCSS provides a measurement of fluid and body mass that can be a critical assessment tool for your current state of health. BIA also measures your progress as you improve your health. Improving your BIA measurement, or maintaining a healthy BIA measurement, can help keep your body functioning properly for healthy ageing and reduced illness. Your BIA results can help guide your Doctor/Instructor in creating a personalized dietary plan, including nutritional supplements when appropriate. Exercise to help you maintain optimal health and well being for a lifetime.
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis - The Technology behind BCSS
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is based on the fact that the body contains intracellular and extracellular fluids capable of electrical conduction. A non-detectable, safe, low-level current flows through these intracellular and extracellular fluids. Since your fat-free body weight contains much of your body's water and electrolytes, it is a better conductor of the electrical current than the fat, which contains very little water. So this technique is essentially an index of total body water, from which fat-free mass is estimated. It is a Noninvasive test which provides accurate data at very nominal per test cost. It is 100% safe and reliable if done with the right Body Composition Analyzer Machine.
Advantages of Body Composition Screening
- To check and monitor complete physical fitness of individuals.
- To check and monitor Fat Mass, Fat Free Mass and Fat Free Mass Index.
- To check and monitor Fat loss and to provide baseline data for nutritional counseling and treatment of obesity.
- To check and monitor Muscle growth or recovery during Physiotherapy/ Rehabilitation/ Exercise/ Body Building.
- To describe changes due to growth, development, maturation and ageing.
- To maximize the performance of athletes and Sports person.
- To check and monitor the water level and hydration of body cells.
- To check and monitor the phase angle or cell health status ensuring good health and longevity.
Scorpia India’s Body Composition Screening Services (BCSS) uses world’s most advanced Medical Body Composition Analyzers from world’s No. 1 company SECA, Germany. SECA’s Medical Body Composition Analyzer is world’s first Medically Validated Body Composition Analyzer with exceptional accuracy in it’s results. All the results from Seca 514/Seca 525/Seca 535 are Medically Validated with the Gold Standards like DEXA, MRI, Bodpod etc. This is why Seca Medical Body Composition Analysers are the most advanced and most expensive Body Analyser in the Medical industry. Scea mBCA has following advanced feature which ensures highest accuracy of medical standards :-
- 19 different frequencies for evaluation
- Validation Studies for all parameters
- Advanced algorithms for Indian’s Asian
- Results in just under 30 seconds
- Excellent repeatability
Test Parameters
A person's state of nutrition is initially assessed by measuring and weighing the subject. The ratio between weight and height is indicated by the Body Mass Index (BMI). |
The Fat Mass (FM) is the total amount of fat in the body. In addition to storage or depot fat, it also includes structural fat. The depot fat stores energy and heat for the body. The structural fat is vital for life and plays a role in various locations in the body. |
The Fat-Free Mass (FFM) is produced from the difference between the weight and the fat mass. FFM can be increased by developing muscle mass. The Fat-Free Mass Index (FFMI) shows the relationship between FFM and height. |
Skeletal Muscle Mass (SMM) comprises the mass of all the muscles which move the body and are responsible for posture. If skeletal muscle mass is increased, this also increases resting energy expenditure. Low muscles can be a indicator of Malnutrition or Muscle Wasting. 5 segment results (Right arm, Left arm, Right leg, Left leg and Trunk) |
The Body Composition Chart (BCC) gives a graphical representation of Fat Mass (FM) in relation to Fat-Free Mass (FFM) in a two-axis system. |
Total body water (TBW) is intracellular water (ICW, Water inside the cells) and Extracellular water (ECW, water outside the cells). |
Bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA) analyses the body's Fat-Free Mass. The graph makes a distinction between cells proportion and the water. The individual measurement point indicates the number and quality of the somatic cells as well as the body's water balance. |
Waist circumference (WC) allows conclusions to be drawn about the amount of body fat in the abdominal cavity. This abdominal fat, also known as Visceral Fat or Visceral Adipose Tissue (VAT), is a risk factor for vascular disease (arteriosclerosis) and diabetes mellitus type 2. |
The phase angle (φ) is a measure of the quantity and quality of the somatic cells. φ allows conclusions to be drawn about a person's nutritional condition and state of health. |
Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) is the amount of energy a body needs to maintain normal vital functions such as respiration, digestion and the cardiovascular system, etc. Total energy expenditure (TEE) is the amount of energy a person requires every day, taking into account physical activity, in addition to resting energy expenditure (REE). TEE can be boosted by increasing physical activity. |
Metabolic syndrome (MSX) is a combination of different factors which significantly increases the risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 or coronary heart disease and thus of associated effects such as heart attacks. |
The 10-year risk of coronary heart disease makes it possible to assess the probability of incurring a fatal cardiovascular disease in the next 10 years. |
Indication Oncology
Many different factors, one major problem: malnutrition
Up to 40 % of worldwide cancer patients are malnourished. In more than 22 % of tumor patients, cachexia is the immediate cause of death. Accurate body composition measurement helps to detect cachectic states. Examination results allow to monitor and adapt nutritional state during therapy in order to reduce mortality. You can monitor the improvements/effect of nutritional therapy given to the patient as per desired duration depending on severely of Patient Cancer state.
Indication Nephrology/ ICU/ Dialysis
Body water : the right level is crucial
Monitoring body water is of high interest. Nutritional factors also play a major role. Kidneys should take in as little protein as possible. On the other hand, too little protein intake can cause cachectic states. Non Invasive and fast results for Total Body Water, Extracellular Water and Intracellular water can add a very important aspect to your clinical evaluation in case of the above indications. Further Body Composition Analysis results shall help you in fine tuning the patients dry weight for more effective dialysis. Now you can also check water level/Muscular status of patients in ICU/ Bed Ridden Patients (Bed side analysis Model).
Indication Medicine/Diabetic/ Cardiology
Two heavy burdens: overweight and obesity
More than 90 % of diabetics have an acquired type 2 diabetes, mainly caused by poor diet, obesity and inactive lifestyle. A reduction of fat mass while preserving skeletal muscle mass is indicated. Accurate monitoring of fat and muscle mass, especially by means of Body Composition Chart, helps to control therapies. The body composition screening shall also motivate patients to be more aware about health status of their body resulting in better results of your treatment.
Water accumulation (Edema) is one of the most vital sign of developing serious health complications. Non Invasive assessment of extracellular fluid will extend an additional information for your clinical diagnosis.
Indication Heart Insufficiency
Vital for the heart: the optimal nutritional treatment
Worsened prognosis if a patient's nutritional status is inadequate as a result of the loss of muscle and fat (cardiac cachexia). About 15-20 % of patients with chronic heart failure experience cardiac cachexia. Diagnosis is difficult as edema may mask the substantial loss of fat and muscle mass. (Extracellular) water has to be taken into account.
Indication Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
The world of physiotherapy has broadened in recent years, to the extent there are numerous specialties, similar to what can be found in the field of medicine. The primary goal of every therapist (either in Physiotherapy or Rehabilitation) is to repair injuries to the various muscles but the biggest challenge is to ensure complete recovery. Incase of fractures, Hip replacement surgeries, Paralysis, muscular imbalance, muscle dystrophy etc., there is no means to measure the recovery progress of muscles and most of therapies are done by clinical judgments only. Body composition screening gives a clear quantitative information of Skeletal Muscle Mass, Water and Fat. The screening shall :-
- Assist in closely monitoring changes in body composition during injury and provide Quantitative data for rehabilitation therapy goals.
- 5 Segmental analysis of Skeletal Muscle Mass (Left arm, Right arm, Left leg, Right leg, trunk) helps to define specific physiotherapy treatment.
- Monitors body composition over time. Many patients / sports person suffer increase in fat mass due to decreased physical activity in case of injury or disability. The information from screening report shall help in deciding the right nutritional diet for patients / sports person.
- The evaluation of fat and muscle mass is valuable before commencing therapeutic procedure and then compare the results as the therapy progresses.
- Experienced therapists / sports physicians may define cut-off values for specific goals or certain positions in order to optimize performance capacity.
- Monitoring Body Composition screening data for Sports Physiotherapy / Cardiac Rehabilitation result in better patient management and achieving the therapy goals faster.
- Developing athletes competencies (Sports Therapy) for specific event is major advantage of Body Composition analysis.
Corporate Wellness Facts
- Medical Cost Fell drastically for every rupee invested on Corporate preventive health plans.
- Companies that implemented Preventive Health Screening programs and motivated their employees to maintain good health had 28% reduced sick leaves and almost 25% reduction is Medical cost.
- 80% of corporate jobs require minimum or no physical activity.
- For Every penny invested on Healthcare 95% is invested on treatment (post Illness) while only 5% is invested on Preventive Health Programs.
- Healthy Employees are 40% more motivated and energetic than employees who are either Obese or Malnutritioned.
- Due to closed working environment 90% of employees in corporate are under Hydrated leading to early exhaustion and reduced work efficiencies.
Keep Your Employees Healthy
With increasing competitiveness and sky high packages, the productivity expectations from the employees is very high. Most of the time major investments are done in motivational programs and other development programs to enhance the productivity of employees but one of the most important aspect of Employees is left unattended i.e. Employees Health. Most justification will immediately start with statistics of post sickness Healthcare programs offered to employees for treatment of sickness but till than the harm has already been done by :-
- Sick Leaves
- Increase in Absenteeism
- Reduced Energy levels and early exhaustion
- Reduced Motivation due to reduced energy level and performance
- Reduced self Confidence due to Obesity
- Reduced present ability to customers resulting in low productivity.
- Reduced Enthusiasm.
To avoid the above issues, to ensure high productivity levels and to ensure reduced losses Body Composition Screening is the most important remedy. With Body Composition Screening Services (BCSS), all the employees will have a clear status of their Body Composition, Fat Mass or Obesity, Hydration Levels etc. They can now be motivated to follow nutritional regimes and exercises to ensure that they reach the perfect Body Composition resulting is good health and reduced sickness. Furthermore, Body Composition Screening Services (BCSS) shall help in:-
1. Saving Medical Costs
Basically, the more you invest into employees Preventive Body Composition Screening programs, it will help with medical expenses for both the employee and the company as a whole. You know what they say, a dollar saved is more valuable than a dollar earned. Maintaining Body Composition shall help drastic reduction in deceases like Coronary Heart Disease, Hypertension, Diabetes, Kidney Dysfunction, Edema, Liver ailments etc.
So, consider investing time in Preventive Body Composition Screening Services (BCSS) program initiatives as it'll help with the betterment of your employee’s finances, in terms of health care.
2. Less Sick Leaves and reduced Absenteeism
That's right, the healthier people are, the less sick they'll be. It doesn't take a world renowned scientist to figure that one out. Less sick leaves mean more productivity.
3. Higher Energy Levels
With healthy Body, people will always have higher energy levels to perform. Higher energy levels mean less exhaustion, higher efficacy and improved decision making with longer working hours.
4. Higher motivation and Self Confidence
People who are healthy and fit always have higher motivation and self confidence as they are better presentable and they always have a feeling of self assurance while preforming their work.
5. Higher hydration levels means less exhaustion
It has been observed that 90% of working class has reduced Hydration levels due to closed working environment and over looking water intake due to high work pressures. Less hydration means reduced phase angle which leads to early exhaustion or feeling of tiredness.
6. Corporate Social Responsibility
Country is losing millions of rupee in post illness healthcare and it makes preventive health programs, prime responsibility of corporates to ensure healthy employees and thus helping the national cause of deteriorating health of citizens. Healthy Citizens means Healthy Nation.
We also conduct Meditation sessions for stress relieving, relaxation and spiritual elevation. The program is conducted by spiritual preceptors of SAHAJ MARG Mission under Heartfulness program. The Meditation sessions are conducted only for voluntary candidates and is not a commercial service. The services are provided complementary with body composition screening contract on request. The minimum gathering required is for minimum 25 candidates. The duration of complete session shall be 2 hours including Counseling, Meditation and experience sharing discussions. A noise free space is mandatory requirement for conduction of these sessions.

The challenges for nutritionists has greatly increased over the past few years due to increased awareness amongst people to stay healthy and avoid high calorie unplanned diets leading to obesity, hypertension and other food related diseases! Today more and more people are seeking help from professional Nutritionists and Dieticians to take care of their health issues related to food. The challenges faced by Nutritionists and Dieticians are:-
- Accurate assessment of Total Energy Stored, Resting Energy and Total Energy Expenditure to establish realistic target goals.
- To ensure that there is only fat loss while muscle loss is reduced to minimum.
- To track the weight loss pattern with highest precession.
- To check the changes in Hydration level (Total Body Water and Extracellular Water). Water retention is one of major challenges for weight loss programs.
- To ensure Muscle development after reaching the Fat loss goals.
- To track and reduce weight relapse cases.
Body Composition Screening services (BCSS) from Scorpia India shall play the most vital role in meeting these challenges and ensuring that you get the desired result for your efforts. Results from BCSS shall be useful for Nutritionists and Dietitians in better management of patients and are medically validated so that you can rely on these results and achieve target goals for your customers.
Indication Weight Loss - With Body Composition Screening Services (BCSS)
Target of Weight loss program is to reduce fat and maintain muscles. BCSS results provides two values in one easy-to-understand graph: the body composition chart eg. An obese person with adequate activity has - an increased fat mass and increased amount of muscle mass also.
Weight reduction programs often focus on decreasing fat while preserving muscle, easy to understand display of fat mass and fat free mass in one easy way to understand graphic: the body composition chart. By close analysis of Body Composition chart you can track fat loss and also maintain muscle status of your patients.
Indication Hydration Status - Vital parameter
Water plays one of the most important role in weight loss programs. Metabolic, unhealthy persons with insulin resistance often exclusively lose water when commencing with weight reduction. Many times the loss of water is often followed by a weight standstill and low water in cells leads to reduced muscular strength.
Indication Oncology - Many different factors, one major problem: Malnutrition
Up to 40 % of worldwide cancer patients are malnourished and need specialist nutritional care. In more than 22 % of tumor patients, cachexia is the immediate cause of death. An accurate body composition measurement helps to detect cachectic states and also help in tracking the results of your dietary programs. Examination results allow to monitor and adapt nutritional state during therapy in order to reduce mortality.
Indication Nephrology - Body water: the right level is crucial
Monitoring body water is of high interest as Nutritional factors also play a major role. Ideally Kidneys should take in as little protein as possible. On the other hand, too little protein intake can cause cachectic states. Accurate information on ECW and ICW help in close monitoring of water retention in body during the weight loss program.
Indication Heart Insufficiency - Vital for the heart: the optimal nutritional treatment
Worsened prognosis if a patient's nutritional status is inadequate as a result of the loss of muscle and fat (cardiac cachexia).About 15-20 % of patients with chronic heart failure experience cardiac cachexia and need early detection and management. In such cases diagnosis is difficult as edema may mask the substantial loss of fat and muscle mass. (Extracellular) water has to be taken into account for precise clinical results.
Indication Diabetology - Two heavy burdens: overweight and obesity
More than 90 % of diabetics have an acquired type 2 diabetes, mainly caused by poor diet and inactive lifestyle. A reduction of fat mass while preserving skeletal muscle mass is indicated. Accurate monitoring of fat and muscle mass, especially by means of Body Composition Chart, helps to control therapies.
Staying in shape is most important step toward achieving ideal Body Composition of one's body. Developing Muscles (Body Building) through rigorous exercise is a very common trend among all age groups.

Right muscular development is a major challenge in body building. Till now there were no effective tools to monitor the Muscle development or fat reduction in the body. With the Body Composition Screening Services (BCSS) now it is possible to check and track the muscle development and growth as per the target goals. With Regular body composition screening you can:-
- Quantify your Muscles (in Values).
- Identify the muscle status in Right Arm, Left Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg and Trunk.
- You can track the growth of your muscles with every test.
- You can track your FAT mass and it’s reduction if needed.
- You can track if you are losing muscles in-place of fat reduction.
- You can track your preparation for competitions.
- You can avoid over exertion of Muscles.
- Check Hydration level of your body for better results and reduced muscular injuries.
The same machine is now being used in Sports Authority of India to scan National Athletes and sports person to prepare them for international sports events like Olympics.
Monitor your Muscle Development and Growth
- Young Body Builders / Athletes / Sports Person often lack skeletal muscle mass to be competitive. With BCSS you can track the muscle development.
- Segmental analysis of the extremities: arms, legs and trunk help in focusing on the required area of improvement.
- Custom-tailored muscle development training and nutrition therapies can be applied.
- Increase of muscle mass can be regulated to prevent agility deficits.
Prepare for Competitions
- Only perfect preparation secures future success.
- The evaluation of fat mass and muscle mass is valuable before commencing competition training or pre-season training camps.
- Experienced sports physicians may define cut-off values for specific sports, Body Building or certain positions in order to optimize performance capacity.
Quantify water retention/Hydration Level
Whether you’re a serious athlete or a recreational exerciser, it’s important to make sure you have good Hydration levels. Water regulates your body temperature and lubricates your joints. It also helps transport nutrients to give you energy and keep you healthy. If you’re not properly hydrated, your body can’t perform at its highest level. You may experience fatigue, muscle cramps, dizziness, or more serious symptoms.
- Metabolic, unhealthy persons with insulin resistance often exclusively lose water when commencing with weight reduction.
- The loss of water is often followed by a weight standstill.
- Low Water in cells leads to reduced muscular strength.
Check and Avoid Overtraining Exhaustion
Body Composition Screening Services (BCSS) can help you to convert exhaustion into recovery by :-
- Monitoring phase angle may evaluate overtraining and exhaustion. Insufficient recovery and inadequate supply of nutrients cause phase angle decrease which may lead to inflammatory reactions of the body cells.
- Monitoring of Phase angle shall help in getting the best results avoiding possibilities of injuries due to over exertion.
Monitor your Fat Loss and save your Muscle Loss
- With Body Composition Screening you can track reduction of fat and also maintain your muscle mass.
- Fat mass and Muscle mass are displayed in one easy-to-understand graph: the body composition chart.
- Weight reduction programs often focus on decreasing fat while preserving muscle... now, you can check yourself.
- Easy to understand display of fat mass and fat free mass in one easy to understand graphic: the body composition chart.
- So you can track your Fat loss and also Muscle status.